In Class:
We are going to sing the History song in class. On CCC you can get a sheet that has pictures to go along with the timeline. I like those. We will look at that too. You'll have to check back for what we decide to do as an extended activity with history this week.
At Home
We read the history highlights on CC Connected.
As a fun activity we watch Disney's Robin Hood, and pointed out people and events that matched up with our history fact.
In Class:
Sing and Jump one at a time on to singular people
two at a time onto plural paper
Here is a link to the papers we will jump on
Extended Activity:
Here is a fun little video and song

Food chain pop up book

I like this idea for keeping Hudson busy

Books and shows:

Here is a link to some images we looked at.
We sang these with a CC Connected song too for review.
Last year we looked at Cuneiform, early writing of the Phoenicians and others. If you search cuneiform on google images you get some great results to look at.

We just started studying Exodus in the Friday women's Bible study I go to so we discussed the Israelite Exodus and Desert Wandering. There are some fun Moses crafts on Pinterest.
Science Experiments
Images and information from

Book: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
When you draw something upside down you have to look it how the lines actually appear on the page. Not just they way your brain remembers something, but what it's actually seeing. In class I will ask the kids to draw a simple picture (from memory) then we will flip the picture I have upside down and have them draw it by looking at the upside down image.
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